By Ariane Bilodeau, Copywriter/editor, and health & food blogger
There is a lot of talk going on among vegetarians and vegans about vitamin B12&mdashand with good reason! In addition to B12 being an essential nutrient, it is said that there is no naturally occurring plant-based source that can meet our body’s B12 needs. Therefore, it’s important to absorb adequate amounts of this crucial vitamin through diet and supplementation. And eating meat doesn’t mean that you’ll have a sufficient B12 intake, as many people&mdashlike me&mdashsuffer from malabsorption. In any case, whether you’re vegan or omnivore, it’s always best not to take any chances.
Here are some tips to increase your daily intake of vitamin B12:
Sources of vitamin B12
- Vegan foods fortified with B12 (cereals, plant milks, plant yogurts, desserts, juices, mocks meats, energy drinks, nutritional yeast)
- oThe product has to be fortified&mdashlook at the labels and ingredients before buying. The amount of B12 may also vary significantly from one fortified product to another.
- Liquid supplement (an easy and pleasant addition to your daily routine)
- Tablets (1,000 mg twice a week is usually recommended)
Be wary of “false” sources of B12 such as algae, fermented foods, and mushrooms. Since they are not reliable sources, it’s better to focus on fortified foods.
Good news: Vitamin B12 is very easily stored by the body. A low&mdashbut regular&mdashdaily intake is usually enough!
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