Aloe Vera is cultivated a little bit everywhere in the tropics and warmer areas of the planet such as Asia, Africa, India, the Caribbean, South America, Mexico and the southern Unites States. It is an indoor plant that remains popular and has been part of our mother’s and our grandmother’s pharmacopeia for a long time.
Aloe Vera leaves contain more than 75 nutritive elements and 200 other components, including 20 minerals (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc…), 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins (A, E and many from the B group).
An ally for healthy skinAloe contains properties that are interesting for the skin: scarring, cellular regeneration, hydration, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic. This is why Aloe is particularly recommended for itchiness, insect bites, eczema, skin irritations, sunburns and even cold sores.
We often forget to protect our skin from the aggressions of our environment. During winter, the low level of humidity in our homes and the cold weather tend to make our skin dry. In summer, our skin is mainly affected by sunburns and insect bites. Aloe is therefore a precious ally in any season.
To make the most of its benefits, spread a generous layer of Aloe on your skin and you will rapidly feel a fresh, calming sensation that will reduce pain, rehydrate your skin and accelerate healing.
Aloe Vera has been used in cosmetics for over 5000 years. Nowadays, the cosmetic industry proposes possible skin treatments which include this plant:
- Stimulates the production of collagen.[1]
- Treats burns.
- Scarring: many studies have shown that it reduces inflammatory effects and accelerates scarring.[2]
- Fights aging.
- Treats infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis (inflammation of the scalp also known as “cradle cap”)
Following positive medical reports in the 1930s, numerous experts have taken the habit of recommending Aloe Vera gel to prevent dermatitis caused by radiotherapy. Aloe Vera gel is also recommended to reduce discomfort after a getting a tattoo.
And when do we drink it?For a long time, Aloe has also been used for its internal curative virtues; intestinal troubles, acidity, constipation. Due to the emollient effect of the gel, it is often recommended to treat occasional constipation. Aloe Vera is also used for diarrhoea due to its antibacterial effects which also tends to calm the intestine and reduces scarring.
Research with patients suffering from intestinal illnesses such as light to moderate ulcerative colitis has indicated that after 4 weeks, the Aloe Vera was more effective than the placebo to improve the patient’s state of health.
One to two tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel per day, taken pure or with juice, is generally sufficient to ensure the optimal health of the digestive system.
Naturopaths have recommended taking Aloe orally for quite some time. Here are a few situations that are often treated with Aloe Vera:
- Treatment of canker sores (superficial ulcers that mainly form on the mucous membranes in the mouth).
- Constipation and diarrhoea.
- Inflammation and irritation of the intestines.
- Irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis.
- Antioxidant.
- Increases the assimilation of vitamins C and E.
- Diabetes.
- Antibacterial and antifungal.
Make the right choice
Land Art’s Aloe Verais a superior quality product that is 99% pure. The Aloe used in our formula is cultivated in America and is cold-stabilized to prevent oxidation and keep its properties intact. Certified organic, this product does not contain sugar or glycerin and has a delicate, pleasant taste of cranberries. It is a product with many virtues that everyone should have at home.
[1] Chithra P, Sajithlal G, et al., « Influence of aloe vera on collagen characteristics in healing dermal wounds in rats »,
Mol Cell Biochem.1998;181(1-2):71-76. [2] GEO N° 358 Décembre 2008 p. 93