Marie-France is passionate about natural health products to maintain optimum health and vitality. A professionally trained Naturopath, she is also a sales representative at Land Art since 2015.
If there is one subject that really gets people talking, it is most certainly homeopathy. There haven’t been many other tiny little pills that have had such an impact upon public opinion. Those who believe in it can certainly provide several examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of homeopathy; however, those who do not believe have the entire scientific community behind them. In Europe, there are family doctors that prescribe homeopathy, often pared together with conventional pharmaceutical treatments. It is rather difficult to explain the actual action of homeopathy, but it does work for some people. The main idea is based on the fact that what triggers an illness can also prevent or even treat it.
In Quebec, the naturopathic and homeopathic professions are not officially recognized, and there are no existing professional orders in place to protect the public. This situation opens the door to some abuse on the part of certain « therapists » and to many sanctions from the Collège des Médecins. We might remember certain articles or reports that were publicly exposed about certain practices that were not particularly recommendable, and that were highly sensational in the news. Unfortunately, due to a lack of official supervision, these so-called naturopaths have often brought to shame those that take the profession seriously and who have a solid background and training in this area. This is why we highly recommend that you check with the Association des Naturopathes Agréés du Québec (ANAQ), the certified Naturopath’s association in Quebec, if the person has the proper training and necessary skills to take care of your health with you.
The Naturopath takes into consideration your global being. Their educative approach guides the client towards greater self-awareness and helps them to take a primary role in handling their own health. Diet, exercise, environment and stress management are all components that will be explored by the Naturopath. A thorough health questionnaire is filled out and will serve to guide them towards certain clues in order to determine the cause of an illness or discomfort. To achieve optimal results, they may suggest, depending on each case, certain natural health products or a homeopathic remedy. Natural health products have already been regulated by Health Canada for several years.To become worthy of a spot on the shelves of your Natural Health Products store, each product must first prove their efficiency. Land Art products are Natural Health Products .
For that matter, the contribution of each element which is indicated on the label of a natural health product has been demonstrated, and the quantity of each active ingredient is meticulously verified. Whether it is a multi-vitamin or a plant extract, you can trust the ingredients listed on the label. Each company that produces natural health supplements in Canada must be able to demonstrate the exactitude of the content, the source of the ingredients and the efficiency of each product.
In return, Health Canada issues a Natural Product Number (NPN) to prove that the necessary verifications have been observed and that the product meets their standards. Contrary to natural health products, homeopathy is imponderable. No one can scientifically explain the reasons for the efficiency of the active ingredients in a homeopathic remedy. It is without a doubt, the main argument of the numerous skeptics of homeopathy.Furthermore, companies that produce homeopathic products are not obligated to supply test results that prove their efficiency; only the safety of their products must be demonstrated.